Great use of graphics to chart history
Monday, December 28, 2009
Op-Chart - Picturing the Past 10 Years - Graphic - Read more →
Op-Chart - Picturing the Past 10 Years - Graphic - Read more →
Washington Diarist: Platon's Cave | The New Republic. Read more →
Martin Anderson: Health bills create a new GM | Contributors | | The Providence Journal. Marty is an uncommonly courageous and insightful business as well as social thinker. Link is to some thoughts he shared with a bunch of people a couple of months back. I remember suggesting he get it published. But it was more a long email, he said. Tonight he told me someone took it and without asking sent it to the Providence Journal. They published it on their own. Outside of showing the entire world all his thoughts on social policy, he's one of the... Read more →
The Great Satan Myth | The New Republic. Interesting piece that details a much more complex relationship that I had known. Read more →
Interesting piece. Netanyahu is positioning himself left of Rabin - Haaretz - Israel News. Read more →
Israelis are always screaming about security. Palestinians are always screaming about justice. Personally, I think it's Palestinians who need security, and Israelis who need to feel a sense of justice in legitimacy where they live. Anyway, this guy doesn't quite address things that way but he lays out a way for getting there. Horray. Someone speaking truth to power. Here's the original article, and here's where you can find the man who wrote it, Ray Hanania, a Palestinian American who writes columns for the Jerusalem Post. Read more →
Spoke to a really smart business consultant and professor who focuses on innovation last night. She spoke with excitement about some of the organizational processes that are shifting to drive more innovative business cultures and products. Asked her when such processes might come to politics. She said they're already here, having come in with our current president. Obama, for her, is the new model of politics. It's about collaboration. But as she suggested, collaboration is not sweet. It's messy. To paraphrase her, "he knows that what's needed is to put opponents in a room and have them rip each other... Read more →
Who Needs the Grid? - The Atlantic (December 2009). Read more →
Meant to post this earlier. Via Time Magazine, a thoughtful and provocative essay on emerging models of work, especially in this country. The Way We'll Work - The Future of Work - TIME Basically, it looks at how expectations of what constitute work and "jobs" are going to shift in the near (and perhaps distant) future given less expansive economic growth. Some of it is depressing, but not all. My partner at That's Capital, Titus Levi, sent me another older (2008) Toronto Star article that explores similar ideas. Titus, having relocated from Los Angeles to Guangdong, China (adapting to his... Read more →
An intellectual profile of Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf. What's useful to follow is the man's philosophic journey, breaking the old dictum that liberalism is an indulgence of the young. More specifically, Wolf became more critical of 20th century capitalism as we moved toward the millennium, based purely on his experience in the world of economics. Call Of The Wolf | The New Republic Shared via AddThis Read more →